You can find more info here: LINK

Survey on skills, knowledge, and competences required by coal workers to transition to similar-profile renewable sector jobs
Given the EU’s ambition to transform its energy system and become carbon neutral by 2050, coal jobs are expected to face a sharp decline in the following years. However, renewable energy economy shows the potential to create more jobs than currently exist in the coal sector.
The purpose of this survey is to determine the set of skills, knowledge, and competences required by coal workers to transition to similar-profile renewable (RES) sector jobs. Your input will aid to the development of a freely available online retraining course that will cater specifically to the transition of coal workers to the renewable sector.
You can find the survey here: LINK

Invitation for the EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials Conference
The EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials Conference will take place fully online on 24 and 25 November 2020. This Conference, organised in the framework of the EU-Latin American Raw Materials Partnership, brings together the mineral raw materials community including policy makers, industry, the private sector and research and innovation in the EU and Latin America and is free of charge. It aims to promote and intensify cooperation and direct knowledge exchange between the EU and Latin American partner countries, based on their common interests, goals and shared values.
The Conference is part of the EU-funded project “EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials” and directly linked to the Mineral Development Network Platform (
Register here: LINK

Conference on the Circular Economy –Rational Use of Raw Materials
On October 22-23, 2020, representatives of TGM took part in a conference organized as part of the EU Green Week 2020. The aim of the conference was to exchange knowledge and experience and to present activities promoting the implementation of a circular economy in Europe in the field of creating new pro-ecological solutions: technological, organizational and systemic in the field of mineral resources management, as well as discussion and presentation of good practices.
The proposed solutions, in accordance with the assumptions of circular economy, should aim at maintaining in the economy, as long as possible, high value and quality of resources, materials and products, and minimizing the amount of waste through the most effective management. Rational resource management in the light of circular economy applies to many research areas, therefore the leading topic will be the rational use of resources from primary and secondary sources, taking into account the anticipated social and economic changes and innovative technological solutions.
TGM took an active part in the event by presenting a presentation on the work carried out under the MINTECO project, entitled “Mining waste in Europe -storage sites and the possibilities of recovery of valuable raw materials”, which was appreciated and attracted the attention of the conference participants.
For those who have not been able to follow the conference on an ongoing basis, we invite you to watch the recordings on YouTube
Link to our presentation: TGM recording
Link to the recording from the first day of the conference: October 22, 2020
Link to the recording from the first day of the conference: October 23, 2020

UNPRECEDENTED: Industrial Dialogues
Our company constantly strives to acquire new international contacts and learn about modern technologies. Meetings, also online, with entrepreneurs and research units, during which unique and developed technologies aimed at creating a circular economy are presented, are a great opportunity. On June 30, our representatives took part in the Unprecedented meeting concerning, above all, the technology of producing modern materials that are created in harmony with nature. We were able to listen to presentations about:
➡️Transforming world-class cleaning products to eco-friendly: 100% bio-based ECO detergent series
➡️MATER-BI – properties and applications of compostable bioplastics presented by Novamont
➡️Innovative technology to modernize exhaust gas emission standards by public authorities: EIT Raw Materials INNOCAT Project

TGM joins SPIN Małopolska!
Thanks to the work carried out with our contractors, including research units based in Małopolska, we are ready to prepare new, ecological solutions related to waste management and processing.
By joining SPIN, we are able to recruit companies interested in cooperation to increase the processing of waste metals.

Online meeting with our partners of the international MINTECO project
On June 3, there was a videoconference with all institutions cooperating in the MINTEGO project, of which Team Group Metals is a part. Each of the representatives shared the current research and analysis results. An important aspect of the current activities was the discussion on the restrictions resulting from counteracting COVID-19. We discussed the current schedule of works and meetings, as well as the possible extension of the implementation of individual tasks. We also presented work plans for the coming weeks.

IATI Monday Business Meeting with the participation of TGM
On May 18, our representatives took part in a cyclical meeting organized by the Institute of Technology and Innovation – IATI Monday Business Meeting. The main topic of the meeting was the Circular Economy as an opportunity for regional development. Due to the current epidemiological situation, the entire meeting was held online.
During the meeting, good practices of design and implementation of solutions in the field of industrial symbiosis were presented. The possibility of introducing measures in the field of circular economy as a tool to support the development of sustainable development in the region was also presented. The indicators for measuring circular economy in the region were proposed.
The detailed schedule of the meeting is published below:
1. “Indicators of transformation towards a circular economy in regions – oto-circular economy project” – Professor Joanna Kulczycka, Agnieszka Nowaczek, IGSMiE PAN
2. Circular City program – how to prepare strategies for the implementation of circular economy for the region – Tamara Streefland, Lotje Hogerzeil, Metabolic
3. Circular indicators for the region – Hubert Bukowski INNOWO
4. Initiatives for the development of a circular economy in the region – Agnieszka Sznyk Innowo
5. Discussion “How to build a circular economy ecosystem in the region”

Team Group Metals can be found Social Media !
We cordially invite you to follow the latest information on TGM activities on the Facebook fanpage and the profile available on Linked In. In addition to news about our company, we will present interesting articles and news related to the topics closest to us – waste management, broadly understood recycling and global trends in the industry.
We cordially invite you to follow our profiles!
Idea Camp Workshops by BizMet Academy
etween 8th and 10th of December company representatives took part in BizMet Workshop – Competitive sustainable business from metal recycling – part of project funded by EIT Raw Materials. It was a course on circular economy, especially focusing on metal recycling, giving students a broad overview of the trade covering technology, sustainability, business and regulative aspects.
The course took place in Racławice and was arranged in co-operation with LUT University (Finland), TU Clausthal (Germany), Mineral and Energy Economic Research Institute – MEERI (Poland) and TU Chalmers (Sweden).
The course covered the complex multiple value chains of the recycled metals industry with an emphasis on regional and common themes. The themes included, for example:
● recovering secondary metal raw materials from sources such as eWaste and metal scrap, technological treatment processes of secondary raw materials
● design of innovative products/processes/services, including eco-design
● circular economy and industrial symbiosis value chains and novel business models
● the extended producer responsibility in circular economy
Target audience was composed of university students (PhD and MSc level), teachers and researchers, industrial professionals and other stakeholders interested in metal recycling and circular economy.
BizMet Academy course contains five study Modules: (1) Circular economy, (2) Circular Economy in metal industry, (3) Environmental management of (metal) recycling, (4) Business in (metal) recycling, and (5) EU legislation and regulation for CE and metal recycling.

Poland-Taiwan Seminar on Electrical and Smart (Autonomous) Mobility
On November the 20th, 2019, representatives of Team Group Metals Sp. z o.o. took part in the eighth Polish-Taiwanese scientific seminar organized by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) in cooperation with the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Tegoroczne seminarium, zostało poświęcone zagadnieniom związanym z elektromobilnością i transportem autonomicznym. Jego celem była przede wszystkim wymiana wiedzy i doświadczeń oraz nawiązanie trwałych relacji między naukowcami i przedsiębiorcami z obu krajów, a także umocnienie polsko-tajwańskiej współpracy naukowo-badawczej.
This year, the seminar was devoted to issues related to electromobility and autonomous transport. The goal of the meeting was primarily to exchange knowledge and experience and establish lasting relationships between scientists and entrepreneurs from both countries, as well as to strengthen Polish-Taiwanese scientific and research cooperation.
During the seminar, we could hear, among others a lecture by Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Yu-Han Tsou, director of the Polish National Center for Research and Development, Dr.-Ing Wojciech Kamienicki and representatives from Polish and Taiwanese institutes related to transport. The meeting also gathered experts from industry and science, who presented their vision of developing mobility over the next few years.